Tips + Tricks for getting (and staying) organized this Spring.
Spring is just around the corner, and many people are probably starting to feel that familiar itch… time to finally tackle that clutter! With shows like “Get Organized” and “Tidying Up” growing in popularity, it’s easy to be inspired…. And just as easy to get overwhelmed. Below are my top 5 tips for whipping that closet into shape.
*disclaimer; I’ve learned many of these tips from popular accounts (like The Home Edit) – this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ll include some more resources down below!
1. Cut out the clutter
The first step is both the easiest to start and the hardest to finish… the purge. Before you try to organize your items, you’ve got to edit what you have! I usually start by removing everything from the area and laying it somewhere with space to spread out (pro tip: find somewhere that won’t interfere with your life if you don’t finish in one day)
Start with 3 piles: keep it, maybe, and let go (this can mean donate, trash, or sell).
A few starter rules that work for me when sorting:
Toss anything that is damaged or expired (look up those makeup expiration dates!)
Clear out non-sentimental items that haven’t been used in recent memory. Bought a blazer for that one interview 3 years ago? Been waiting for those pants from college to fit again? Probably time to donate.
Look at repeat items and consider if all are necessary. Do you use all those different shampoos? Do you wear all 3 of those gray t-shirts?
Start with keeps/let-gos, these are usually easier. Once you’ve done that, take another look at the maybes and re-evaluate based on the rules you used with the others. For example, if you’ve already decided to keep 2 blue sweaters, the 3rd one sitting in the maybe pile might be easier to let go!
3. Divide and conquer (your drawers)
Finally, we get to put everything back! One of the best and most important tips I’ve learned is to divide your space. Shelves, drawers, hanging rods…. Wherever you can add a bin, a divider, a compartment; do it. You’ll be surprised what you can fit when you group and sort your drawers with a few simple dividers – a jumble of shirts becomes a structured system that keeps its shape, is easy to navigate, and is easier to keep in place.
5. Stick to the plan
This last tip is as simple (and difficult) as it sounds. You’ve done the work to edit your items, you’ve created a system that is easy to understand and simple to maintain. Now, all you have to do is use it. Put things back where they go, keep your dividers… divided… and enjoy the benefits of what a clean and simple space can do for you!
Need help getting started? Don’t want to do it alone? We can help!
Some additional tips tricks + resources:
The Home Edit (
Marie Kondo (
The Container Store (